Is Indoor Air Pollution making you ill?

With warning reports on outdoor pollution, many of us probably thought we would be safe within our homes, work and schools. I’m sorry to say we were wrong. It’s now been revealed that within the first eight days of 2016, London breached its annual pollution limit. This affects not only outdoor environments but indoor places as well.  


Now with the issue under the spotlight, reports and research has surfaced from various respected organisations and doctors explaining the complications of indoor pollution.

A recent report by the Royal College of Physicians and The Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health explains air pollution causes over 40,000 UK deaths each year.

Their research also showed that minor side effects such as headaches, fatigue and loss of concentration are not the worst case scenarios, with serious health complications such as Cancer, Asthma, Stroke and Heart disease.


Until recently, focus has remained solely on governing outdoor pollution, however with this new information, people are turning to the UK government to take action. Ultimately pressing MP’s to review current guidelines and practise. Sadiq Khan who is the newly appointed London Mayer has claimed to be the ‘greenest ever’, encouraging new legislation be put in place to govern indoor air pollution as well as outdoor.

361 Degrees

There is a strong likelihood that there will be new legislation and guidelines introduced which will impact the HVAC industry significantly. In the meantime, 361 Degrees offer a range of solutions to ease your mind. Our designs offer built in high efficiency air filtration which decrease levels of airborne contaminants.

Our expert technical consultants deliver effective solutions that can improve your work environment, not just temperature and comfort, but also in health and well-being. Call us today for more information. 

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